Thursday, 15 July 2010

Wanna heat train? Come to Delhi.

Runners planning on taking part in KTM '10 or SCMM '11, come to Delhi. The weather here is superbly awful.

All my last 3 runs here were not too satisfactory. And I would like to believe that it was the weather.

Monday - 5KM (Pace: 5:20/KM)
Wednesday - 7KM (Pace: 5:18/KM)
Thursday - 6KM (Pace: 5:14/KM)

Granted that my mileage in the last 2 weeks prior to this one was ridiculously low (12KM and 5KM respectively ... for each week!), but I don't think I have lost conditioning.

In every single run of this week, my target had been a 10K, which used to get negotiated, while running, to 8K and then it would finally settle to the nearest whole number. Near the 3K mark of each run, I would feel overheated. I also felt my shoes burning up.

Another factor could be that I never drank water. This is just me being a spoilt Bangalorean. This is one thing which I can change.

So the goals for the coming run (please don't laugh at me). Break 10K; carry water; drop the pace.